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About the project

UTWORZONO: Tuesday, 10 January 2017 12:22

“Development and promotion of economic Commune Wieruszów through participation in fairs and trade mission to Brazil”

co-financed under the Regional Operational Programme of the Łódź province for 2014-2020


action II.2 internationalization of companies


Implementation period: 2016-07-01 – 2018-06-30

The amount of the project 645 750,00 PLN

Grant amount: 548 887.50 PLN

The project concerns development and implementation of materials and tasks in the area of economic promotion of the Commune Wieruszów with operating on its territory enterprises and their internationalization.

The project is aimed to domestic entrepreneurs and foreign, seeking new investment areas. The target audience of the project are also media regional, national and local governments, business environment institutions and scientific institutions.

The main objective of the implementation of the project is to increase the international rank of Wieruszów, increasing expansion of local businesses to foreign markets – which in turn will lead to an increase in their export activities.


The direct objective of the project is to increase competitiveness and economic attractiveness of Wieruszow, on the basis of the existing economic and social development.

Intermediate objectives of the project are as follows:

– The creation of the current investment offer for our town with business cards  of entrepreneurs

– Promotion of Wieruszów as an attractive place for investors in the large flow of potential investors

– To stimulate the internationalization of Wieruszów  enterprises

These objectives will be achieved through the following activities in the field of economic promotion:
1. Creation of the current investment offer (third quarter 2016)

2. Development of Investor Service Standard (III-IV quarter of 2016)

3. Development and implementation of the website – Portal Investor Wieruszów III-IV quarter of 2016

4. Development and implementation of promotional materials (III-IV quarter of 2016)

5. Organizing a trade mission to Brazil (XI -XII.2017)

6. Town and entrepreneurs promotion  on cross-industry fair in Amsterdam (1 Edit- V.2017) and POLECO SYSTEM Poznan -Gminy – 2 editions (X.2016 and X.2017).
Project co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 Lodz


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